This is the Apprenticeship Indenture of James Byrne, grandfather of my old friend and colleague Jim Byrne, who now trades out of his shop in South Ann Street, Dublin.
He kept me going when I was newlywed.
I made strawberry dishes with scenes of Dublin chased in the center of the them, in my time I must have made dozens of them.
This Indenture witnesseth that James Byrne of No 35 Hardiwick Street in the County of city of Dublin of his own free will and accord, and with the consent of his Guardians doth put himself Apprentice to John Smyth & Sons Silversmiths of No 17 Wicklow St. in the County of the City of Dublin to learn their trade and with them ( after the manner of an Apprentice) to dwell and serve from the 29th day of June 1891 (one) until the full end and Term of Seven (7) Years from thence next following, to be full completed and ended. During which Term the said Apprentice his said Masters faithfully shall serve their secrets keep, their lawful commands everywhere gladly do,
he shall do no damage to his said Masters nor see it to be done of others, but that he to his power shall let or forthwith give warning to his said Masters of the same he shall not waste the Goods his said Masters nor lend them unlawfully to any. He shall not contact Matrimony within the said Term. Hurt to his said Masters shall not do, or cause or procure to be done by others he shall not play at Cards, Dice Tables, or any other unlawful games, whereby his said Masters may have loss, with his own or other goods during said Term. Without licence his said Masters shall neither buy or sell, he shall not haunt or use Taverns, Ale Houses, or Play Houses, nor absent himself from his said Masters service day or night, unlawfully, but in all things, as an honest and faithful Apprentice, he shall behave himself towards his said Masters, and all others during the said Term and his said Masters said Apprentice in the same Art which they
useth, by the best way and means that they can, shall teach and instruct, or cause to be taught and instructed, with due correction, finding unto their said Apprentice the Sum of Two shillings & sixpence per week for the first two years, Three shillings & sixpence for the for the third year. Four shillings & sixpence for the forth year. Five shillings & sixpence for the fifth year Six shillings & sixpence per week for the sixth year,and Ten shillings per week for the Seventh year last year
Befitting such an Apprentice, during the said term, according to the custom of the Silversmith Trade.
And for the due performance of all and every the said Covenants and Agreements either of the said Parties bindeth themselves to the other by these Presents.
In WITNESS whereof , the Parties and named to these IDENDTURES inter- changeably put their Hands and Seals, the 26th day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety one ( 1891)
Signed ,Sealed and Delivered
In the presence of
John Kane James Byrne
Anthony R?????? John Smyth & Sons